
Content Promotion: Where to Do It?

More eyes on your content means more clicks and more revenue


Anam Jalil


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Have you ever been "all dressed up with nowhere to go?"

The best of us have been in this situation and though it isn't all that bad, it definitely feels like a waste. The same thing happens when you write a killer blog post and it never reaches your target audience.

Search engines might be indexing it but quality content isn't just for search engines. It is for human eyes. Content marketing is about attracting and retaining the right audience.

The right audience is people who may be interested in your business now or in the future.

However, if you are not using multiple channels to find your specific audience, then you are probably just throwing your money down the drain.

Whether it is blog articles, video content, podcasts, or any other form of content, you need to engage in content promotion and develop a proper content promotion strategy.

Promoting content doesn't just mean throwing it on social media or your own site, there are a number of facets involved in content promotion.

Which content promotion strategies cost the least? Which social media channels are your target audience using?

Do you just post your own content or should you also share other relevant content? Should content creation only be internal or should you invite others to give you content?

You need answers to all of these questions and more.

Content Strategy


Also Read: 10 Steps to Building a Successful Content Marketing Strategy

Let's start discussing how to create a content promotion strategy.

How to create a content promotion strategy:

After content production, you need to promote your content online. To develop a promotion strategy, you need to follow these steps.

1. Identify your own audience

You must first identify your audience - specifically who will read your content. There may be several different groups of people who would be interested in the content you produce.

Create buyer personas by listing down the different characteristics that your audience possesses - age, interests, location, social status, etc.

2. Choose your distribution channels

Next, you must select different channels where your audience is likely to actively engage with your content. You want to go for targeted distribution rather than simply throwing your content in places with a significant following.

Some will be organic channels while sometimes you will have to opt for paid promotions.

Besides producing quality content. you need to make sure that your content promotion strategy makes sense and is targeted toward the people who would be interested in your business in the long run.

Your channels can be email, social media, online communities, etc.

However, for example, if you are opting for social media, you need to choose platforms that your audience exists on - Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or would you prefer to be on LinkedIn?

3. Schedule posts or make a promotion calendar

Once you produce new content, you need to develop a calendar that tells you which posts need to be promoted where. Your top-performing posts can be used in email marketing, you can post all of your content in social posts, or you can ask other blogs to republish your content.

Set dates for when you will be sharing new blog posts or visual content in each channel and when you want to send your email list a blog post. Do you want to do it weekly? or monthly?

4. Measure your content promotion efforts

After posting your content on different channels, you need to measure its effectiveness. Is your blog post getting shares, likes, and clicks? Are you generating more traffic? Are other sites referring to your content?

What is your social engagement like? If you are engaging in paid promotion, what is your cost per click? Do your readers think this is valuable content?

Your content promotion strategy needs to bear fruit and see results. Organic content promotion may take time but once you start aggressively distributing blog posts and other content, you are likely to see a difference in traffic and consecutively, brand recognition. This will eventually lead to an increase in conversions.

Let's talk about the various channels that you can use for content promotion.

Content promotion channels

Channels to use for content promotion

1. Social media

The first place you need to target for your content marketing efforts is social media.

First, you need to post your content to your own social media accounts. Choose your social media networks wisely and make sure that they are in line with your brand image as mentioned above.

For example, if your brand personality is serious and you are targeting middle-aged people, you might not want to be present on TikTok or maybe even Instagram.

If you are a SaaS-based business, LinkedIn may be a good place to pitch your product/service, or perhaps you would do best by publishing in LinkedIn groups or Facebook groups to reach large audiences.

2. Online communities

You can look for online communities to share your content on. Communities such as Product Hunt or marketing and product discussion forums are great places to share information about your product.

You can also extract important information from your content and mention it in a post and then add a link to the complete content for those that would like to read the whole piece. Online communities allow you to connect with many people at the same time.

Try to join communities that are likely to have members that are relevant to your business.

3. Email marketing

One of the best and most effective ways for content promotion is email marketing. Educating your audience with relevant content and moving them through the buyer's journey through email is an essential part of content marketing.

You can send them bulk emails, newsletters, or drip campaigns with relevant blogs and other resources to help them understand your product and related processes or to give them interesting content that can be of use to them.

Develop topic clusters and then expand on them.

However, if your email domain is not warmed up, no one will see your emails as they will land in spam. That's where GoCustomer comes in.

We help you warm up your email domain quickly so that your emails land in the Priority Inbox and get higher open rates.

Don't forget to add links to social channels in your emails so your recipients can easily share your content on their own accounts and remember to ask them to follow you as well!

4. Targeted paid ads

If you can spend money, then you have some extra avenues for content promotion such as targeted paid ads.

You can boost your blog post on social platforms and use pay-per-click advertising or you can set a target keyword and opt for Google Adwords.  To advertise on Google you need to choose a particular term that is relevant to your business and place an ad for prospects who search for that term to see.

If you are opting for social media advertising, it is important to select your target audience very carefully and ensure you optimize your ad for its core purpose: whether that is engagement, traffic, conversions, etc.

Social media promotion requires a specific strategy and you need to make sure that you are targeting the right audience.

Pay-per-click ads can be expensive so you need to make sure that your audience is relevant and likely to convert or at least send you referral traffic.

5. Identify influencers

You can identify influencers for your target market and have them promote your content or talk about the content that you are producing. They can share an article, talk about your podcast, or share one of your videos. This can help expand your reach and also help you reach new audiences.

These influencers either have their own blogs or are popular on social platforms.

You can also repurpose content or pitch to another publishing platform to publish it and provide a link to the original source (your website). This is also a link-building strategy.

6. Guest posting

You can promote your content or distribute unique content through guest posts. You can pitch ideas to other sites that are willing to publish content on that particular topic.

Some may ask for payments to accept guest posts while others would be happy to publish something that provides value.

You can include links to other content on your website in your guest post so that readers can go from one article to another article of yours from that particular content. Your audience is likely to read more than one article of yours then and guest posting is also great for SEO.

7. Internal linking

You can link to your content from other pages on your website and you can also include internal links in each of your blogs to other articles that may be of interest to your readers.

This way, you can promote content on your website by mentioning other relevant posts in every article.

Bottom Line

After the content creation process, the promotion strategy is what gets your content read and requires as much effort (or even more) by content marketers.

Make sure you follow all of the content promotion tips mentioned earlier and remember that it is imperative to ensure that you are promoting your content in front of the correct audience.

Content is king only when everyone knows who the king is and content promotion is the main ingredient in content marketing. Educate your audience and create awareness about your business and related aspects, that's the best way to generate leads and start converting!

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Table of Contents

    In a nutshell

    Content promotion is the process of promoting and sharing content to increase its reach, engagement and visibility. It's important because it helps to increase the exposure of your content to the right audience.
    You can identify your target audience for content promotion by analyzing your existing customer base, researching your industry and competitors, and creating buyer personas based on demographics, interests, and behaviors.
    The different distribution channels that can be used for content promotion include social media platforms, email marketing, paid advertising, influencer marketing, content syndication, and search engine optimization.
    The effectiveness of a content promotion strategy can be measured by tracking metrics such as website traffic, engagement rates, social media shares, lead generation, and conversion rates.
    It's recommended to not only post your own content, but also share other relevant content. This helps to establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry and build relationships with other businesses and influencers.
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