Email Marketing

Best Day for Email Marketing Campaign Launch

Timing is Everything: Maximize Email Marketing Success by Finding the Perfect Send Time


Hamna Azam


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A 2016 email marketing study concluded that emails sent on Saturdays have an average conversion rate of 60% higher than the norm! Does that mean that Saturday is a lucky day and that's the only day we should be sending emails?

Consider the target audience. Do you want to send it to businesses or consumers? Are they seniors, college students, or infants? Or are you sending it to the small business owners? Now, put yourself in the shoes of your target audience and ask yourself, "when would I be most likely to open an email if I were that person?" College students spend over 80% of their internet activity on mobile devices, which is something to keep in mind.
They are not likely to read long-winded content, and they probably do not check emails on weekends. Mid-level management people are likely to open emails during the workday. It is best to send it early in the morning or right after lunch, when "C" level executives may have their emails screened by an assistant. In addition, it is probably a good idea to slant your content for this possibility and deliver early in the workweek during the workday. Senior citizens have a lot of time on their hands, looking for exciting content. You may want to use large fonts for apparent reasons. Also, seniors wake up early in the morning, so it might be best to post content first thing if you're targeting this age group specifically.

A Brief Case Study:

Conventional wisdom back in the day was that mail on Tuesdays had a higher response rate. That's why a software service marketed a new product to physicians and sent large quantities of mail on Tuesdays. The open rates were low for the first few days, but they suddenly went up on weekends, especially Sundays. Emails are impossible for doctors to open during the workweek because they're busy with exams, hospital rounds, or surgery. They find time to open their inbox when they have a few hours of free time during the weekend.
After learning that doctors had opened but not converted on Sunday, the sales team began a follow-up reminder campaign for the following Sunday morning so it would be at the top of their list. Because of the campaign, Open rate, click rate, and conversions to sales all increased! Thus, after blood, sweat and tears, the goal was achieved.

Also Read: How to Determine the Best Time to Send Emails

When to Send?

Run tests to find the answer (or you can reach out to a Genie if that works for you).Try experimenting with different combinations until you find the perfect one. Combining different content, subject lines and timings can be a challenge.

But GoCustomer has got you covered. GoCustomer takes care of your sender's reputation, warms up your domain and prevents your mail from being stuck in spam. All of this so you could focus on the other things. 

An image to showcase the email warmup feature

Reach more customers with your cold emails

Table of Contents

    In a nutshell

    Factors to consider when deciding when to send emails include time zones, industry norms, and the habits of your target audience.
    When targeting college students, it's important to use a casual and relatable tone, offer student discounts or promotions, and use mobile-friendly designs.
    The best time to send emails to mid-level management people is during weekdays, particularly early in the morning or during lunch breaks.
    If targeting "C" level executives, the content should be slanted towards the benefits of your product or service, and should focus on ROI and bottom-line impact.
    When targeting senior citizens, it's important to use larger fonts and simpler designs, offer discounts or promotions that are relevant to their needs, and avoid technical jargon or complex language.
    person opening a mailbox

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