Email Marketing

The Ultimate Guide: How Many Marketing Emails to Send Per Week for Optimal Results

Finding Just the Right Frequency


Qasim Farooq


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Have you ever sent out what you thought was the perfect marketing email, only to be met with crickets or, even worse, a flood of unsubscribes? You’re not alone.

According to a study by HubSpot, 78% of consumers have unsubscribed from emails because a brand was sending too many emails.

On the flip side, research from Campaign Monitor shows that segmented email campaigns see a 760% increase in revenue. Striking the right balance in your email frequency is crucial.

Finding the right email frequency is like baking the perfect cake. Too much of one ingredient, and it’s ruined. Not enough, and it falls flat. But don’t worry—I’m here to help you find that sweet spot.

In this guide, we’ll go deep into the world of email marketing frequency. We’ll look at how the number of emails you send can impact your ROI, explore the factors that should influence your email strategy, and give you actionable tips to determine how often to hit send.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, these insights will help you optimize your email campaigns for the best results.

Understanding Email Marketing Frequency

Email marketing frequency refers to how often you send emails to your subscribers. Striking the right balance is essential for keeping your audience engaged and maximizing your ROI.

Too many emails can overwhelm and irritate your subscribers, leading to higher unsubscribe rates. Too few, and you risk being forgotten, missing out on potential engagement and sales.

According to Databox, 33% of marketers send weekly emails, while 26% send multiple emails per week. However, these numbers can vary significantly based on industry and audience preferences.

Understanding and adjusting your email frequency based on these factors can help you find the sweet spot that keeps your audience engaged and your brand top of mind.

Next, we'll explore how email frequency impacts your ROI and the best strategies to optimize it.

How Does Email Frequency Impact Your ROI?

Email frequency has a significant impact on your return on investment (ROI). Finding the right balance in how many marketing emails to send per week can determine whether your email marketing campaigns are successful or fall flat.

Sending emails too frequently can lead to spam complaints, high unsubscribe rates, and annoyed customers. On the other hand, sending fewer emails might result in low engagement and missed opportunities.

Research shows that maintaining a preferred email frequency can keep your audience engaged and increase your click-through rates.

For instance, many marketers find that weekly emails strike the right balance between staying top-of-mind and not overwhelming their subscribers.

However, the best frequency can vary depending on your industry, audience preferences, and the quality of content you deliver.

For example, ecommerce companies might benefit from more frequent updates compared to fashion brands, which might find a different cadence more effective.

To optimize your ROI, regularly monitor your engagement metrics, such as open rates and click-through rates. Adjust your email strategy based on these insights to find the sweet spot that maximizes engagement without leading to diminishing returns.

What Factors Influence Your Email Marketing Campaign frequency?

When planning your email marketing campaigns, several key factors can influence your email frequency and overall strategy.

Understanding these factors helps in crafting a top-notch email marketing campaign that keeps your audience engaged and drives results.

The Buyer’s Journey: An Essential Factor

The buyer’s journey is a crucial element to consider in your email marketing strategy. Depending on where your customers are in the purchase cycle, their preferred email frequency may vary.

For instance, new subscribers at the top of the funnel might appreciate frequent updates, while loyal customers closer to making a purchase might prefer more targeted, less frequent emails.

Tailoring your email cadence to the buyer’s journey ensures that you meet your audience's needs at every stage, enhancing engagement and fostering a stronger connection.

Key KPIs for Determining Email Frequency

Monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs) is essential for determining the optimal email frequency. Metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates provide insights into how your audience is responding to your emails.

If you notice high open rates and click-through rates, it might indicate that your current email frequency is effective.

Conversely, increasing unsubscribe rates and spam complaints could signal that you’re sending emails too often. Regularly analyzing these KPIs helps you adjust your email frequency to maintain a high level of engagement and minimize the risk of losing subscribers.

Comparing to Industry Averages

Benchmarking your email frequency against industry averages can provide a useful reference point. Different industries have varying standards for how often they send marketing emails.

For example, an ecommerce company might find that sending emails twice a week is effective, while a business in the professional services sector might opt for monthly newsletters.

By understanding the norms within your industry, you can better gauge your own email strategy and make informed adjustments to your email marketing campaigns.

Incorporating these factors into your email strategy will help you determine the best frequency for your marketing emails, ensuring that your campaigns are both effective and well-received by your audience.

Tips for Determining Optimal Email Frequency

Finding the sweet spot for your email frequency is key to a successful email marketing campaign.

Here are some practical tips to help you determine the optimal number of marketing emails to send per week.

Create a Strategic Email Marketing Plan

Start by crafting a comprehensive email marketing strategy designed to meet your business goals. Consider your target audience and what they value most.

Are you looking to boost engagement, drive more sales, or build brand awareness? Define your objectives clearly, and tailor your email frequency to align with these goals.

A well-thought-out plan helps ensure that your emails provide value and maintain an engaged audience.

Start with Industry Benchmarks

Industry benchmarks can serve as a helpful guide when determining your email frequency.

For instance, many marketers in the ecommerce sector find that sending emails twice a week can keep their audience engaged without overwhelming them.

Conversely, professionals in B2B sectors might find that monthly emails or even quarterly updates are more effective.

Research the standards within your industry and use these benchmarks as a starting point. Then, adjust based on your audience's responses and engagement levels.

Innovate with Audience Segmentation

Audience segmentation is a powerful tool in email marketing. By dividing your subscriber list into smaller, more targeted groups, you can tailor your email frequency to better suit each segment’s preferences and behaviors.

For example, new subscribers might appreciate more frequent updates, while long-term customers might prefer fewer, more personalized emails. Segmentation allows you to deliver the right message at the right time, improving overall engagement and reducing the risk of annoying your audience.

Test and Adjust Email Frequency

Testing different email frequencies is essential to find what works best for your audience. Start with your initial strategy and gradually experiment by increasing or decreasing the frequency. A/B testing can be particularly useful here.

For instance, you can split your subscriber list and send emails at different frequencies to see which group responds better. Continuously monitor the results and adjust your strategy based on what you learn.

Track and Analyze Key Metrics

Monitoring key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and unsubscribe rates will provide valuable insights into how your audience is responding to your emails.

If you notice a drop in engagement or an increase in unsubscribe rates, it may be a sign that you need to adjust your email frequency.

Regularly analyzing these metrics helps you stay informed about your audience’s preferences and fine-tune your email strategy accordingly.

Consider Seasonal Variations

Seasonal trends can also impact the optimal frequency of your emails. For example, during the holiday season, consumers might expect more frequent updates from retail brands about special offers and promotions.

Conversely, in quieter periods, you might scale back to avoid overwhelming your subscribers. Understanding these seasonal variations and planning your email campaigns around them can help maintain engagement and drive better results throughout the year.

Avoiding Common Email Frequency Pitfalls

When it comes to determining how many marketing emails to send per week, avoiding common pitfalls is crucial for maintaining a successful email campaign. Both over-sending and under-sending marketing emails can negatively impact your email marketing strategy.

Over-Sending and Under-Sending

Finding the right email cadence is essential for maintaining an engaged audience. Over-sending can lead to several issues, including:

Spam Complaints

Sending emails too often can overwhelm your subscribers, leading to spam complaints. This not only annoys customers but can also damage your sender reputation, making it harder for your emails to reach the inbox.

Unsubscribe Rate

When people unsubscribe from your email list due to frequent emails, you lose potential sales opportunities and reduce your reach.

Conversely, under-sending can be just as detrimental:

Lack of Engagement

If you send fewer emails, you risk not staying top-of-mind with your audience. This can lead to low engagement levels, where your subscribers forget about your brand and are less likely to engage when you do send an email.

Forgotten Brand Awareness

Sending too few marketing emails can result in diminished brand awareness. Your subscribers may not recognize your brand if they hear from you infrequently, reducing the effectiveness of your email marketing campaign.

Deliverability and Spam Filters

Email deliverability is another critical factor affected by email frequency. The frequency of your emails can impact whether they land in your subscribers' inboxes or get caught in spam filters. To avoid being marked as spam and ensure your emails reach your engaged audience members, follow these best practices:

Monitor Your Sending Frequency

Keep an eye on your email sending frequency and adjust based on engagement metrics. Finding the preferred email frequency can help maintain a positive sender reputation.

Quality Content

Always prioritize quality content over quantity. But beyond just quality, hyper-personalization is key to ensuring your emails resonate with your audience and avoid the dreaded spam folder.

By tailoring your emails to reflect the unique preferences and behaviors of each subscriber, you can significantly enhance engagement.

Hyper-personalized emails show your subscribers that you understand and value their individual interests, making them more likely to open, read, and interact with your messages.

This personalized approach not only improves your click-through rates but also reduces spam complaints and unsubscribe rates.

When your audience sees content that’s relevant to them, they’re less likely to mark your emails as spam and more likely to stay engaged with your brand.

Leveraging platforms that enable hyper personalization, such as GoCustomer, can help you achieve this level of detail in your email marketing.

By using advanced segmentation and dynamic content, you can create highly relevant and compelling emails for each segment of your audience, enhancing the overall effectiveness of your digital marketing strategy.

Follow Best Practices

Adhere to email marketing best practices, such as using clear and relevant subject lines, personalizing emails, and providing easy unsubscribe options. These practices help build trust with your subscribers and improve deliverability.

By understanding and avoiding these common pitfalls, you can maintain an effective email marketing strategy that keeps your subscribers engaged and your brand top of mind.


Finding the right email marketing frequency is like finding the perfect recipe—it requires a bit of experimentation and a lot of understanding of your audience's tastes.

By considering the factors we've discussed, such as the buyer's journey, key KPIs, industry benchmarks, and seasonal variations, you can tailor your email strategy to hit the sweet spot for your subscribers.

Remember, the goal is to keep your audience engaged without overwhelming them. Start by creating a solid email marketing plan, use industry benchmarks as a guide, and don't be afraid to innovate with audience segmentation.

Regularly test and adjust your email frequency, and always keep an eye on your key metrics to ensure you're on the right track.

Avoid the common pitfalls of over-sending and under-sending by striking a balance that keeps your emails relevant and welcome in your subscribers' inboxes. Monitor your deliverability and follow best practices to avoid those pesky spam filters.

Ultimately, the best email marketing strategy is one that feels personal and valuable to your audience. So, listen to their feedback, watch their behaviors, and adjust accordingly.

With a thoughtful approach, you'll find the right frequency that keeps your audience eagerly anticipating your next email.

Happy emailing, and here’s to your successful email campaign!

An image to showcase the email warmup feature

Reach more customers with your cold emails

Table of Contents

    In a nutshell

    Generally, sending one to two marketing emails per week is a good starting point. This frequency keeps your audience engaged without overwhelming them. However, the optimal number can vary based on your industry, audience preferences, and the quality of your content. Regularly monitor engagement metrics and adjust accordingly.
    The best time to send marketing emails often depends on your audience. Studies suggest that late mornings (10 AM - 11 AM) and midweek days (Tuesday to Thursday) tend to have higher engagement rates. However, testing different times and analyzing your specific audience's behavior will provide the most accurate answer.
    To determine the right email frequency, consider your audience's preferences, the buyer's journey, key performance indicators (KPIs), and industry benchmarks. Start with a standard frequency, such as once or twice a week, and use A/B testing to refine your approach based on engagement metrics like open rates and click-through rates.
    Sending too many marketing emails can lead to spam complaints, increased unsubscribe rates, and a damaged sender reputation. Your audience might feel overwhelmed and annoyed, which can negatively impact engagement and ROI.
    To avoid your emails being marked as spam, ensure you follow best practices such as using clear and relevant subject lines, personalizing content, providing easy unsubscribe options, and maintaining a clean subscriber list. Additionally, focusing on hyper-personalized, valuable content can help reduce spam complaints.
    person opening a mailbox

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