AI in Email Marketing

How to Make AI Content Optimization Super Easy

The robots can't do all!


Wajeeha Gull


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It isn't just about choosing the right content optimization tool.

As online models like ChatGPT continue to make waves, both established and small businesses are using AI to speed-produce content. This isn't just a bunch of rich companies jumping on the 'new tech' bandwagon, small businesses are just as, if not more, invested.

Content optimization tools aren't going anywhere and for good reason. For one, they offer new ideas and content briefs, but that's just a small part of what AI is truly capable of.

Earlier this year, BuzzFeed announced a collaboration with ChatGPT for its content creation needs which led to a 200% surge in its stock price. However, machine-assisted text lacks the human touch which is why the need for AI content optimization tools is real and growing.

Fortunately, there are many ways one can introduce personalized elements to the content creation process.

Whether you're a freelance blogger, a marketer, or an SEO expert looking for reliable ways to optimize content, rest assured, there are plenty. As long as you do it the right way, it's bound to drive organic traffic, improve your business's rank on search engine results pages, and overall, convert.

What is AI content generation?

AI-powered content is different forms of copy including blogs/articles, emails, webpage content, social media posts, product descriptions, and more. With the help of language-based tools, you can generate short and long-form content by inputting keywords relevant to specific topics.

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In other words, AI content creation means using tools powered by machines to generate content. These technologies use natural language generation to mimic human intelligence and create written pieces with a purpose.

Considering how time savvy and cheap it can be, artificially creating content is a great way to overcome writer's block. Letting AI worry about curating the first draft allows a content editor to focus on making informed marketing decisions based on actionable insights.

Why content optimization is ever-important in 2023

Generative AI is changing the business landscape, but you need to use it with a pinch of salt. Here is why you need to optimize.

AI doesn't generate high-quality content

Simply put, machines don't have a soul which is why humans must personalize AI-powered content. This is precisely why writers shouldn't worry about artificial intelligence stealing their jobs. If anything, content optimization creates even more opportunities for creating better content.

Investing in reliable AI content optimization software is also necessary because Google only ranks quality content that engages readers. Machine-made text that lacks flair has no chance of landing on the first page (yet!).

AI content might be plagiarised

CopyAi and ChatGPT promise content that makes sense, not plagiarism-free text. At the end of the day, these tools extract information from indexed internet sources which is why the copied text is unavoidable, and hence, you must optimize your content.

For instance, you conducted keyword research and instructed AI to write a 500-word article based on the data entered. While all of the content generated will not have plagiarism, some paragraphs might and that's enough to damage your rankings.

Worst case scenario, AI-generated pieces might have bits of your competitors' content which can lead to copyright strikes. Not only is this a glaring flaw in the overall system but also a clear sign that optimization tools are now a necessity.

AI doesn't always capture context

Imagine reading a blog about a particular topic that talks about anything and everything all at once. When people type search queries, they're looking for high-quality content based on valuable insights that address pain points. Not a gazillion trivial details.

Unfortunately, AI tools - particularly if it's the free version - aren't too great at capturing context. At times, machine-supported technologies will try their best to fill content gaps even at the cost of quality.

Illogical sentences that take your marketing campaigns to unrelated domains not only negate the purpose behind thoughtful content planning but also disappoint your target audience.

Powerful AI content optimization tips

Here are things you have to watch out for when optimizing your content.

Stay true to your brand's tone of voice

Successful businesses ensure that their campaigns effectively reflect a consistent brand voice. The latter describes how your company projects its specific brand personality through curated communications.

To make things clearer, let's consider the example of a B2B business selling car rims to automobile manufacturers. As a company, you must exude authority and technical competency which is why adopting a formal tone of voice seems like the right choice here. On the other hand, a pop-up ice cream shop targeting Gen Z will need to be more approachable, perhaps even humorous.

If you're using AI within the content creation process, make sure to account for your brand voice. Machine learning technology, albeit impressive, is, after all, a machine. Truly optimized content makes an impact because of how evoking and authentic it is.

Keep it short

Content quality is directly determined by client perception, especially ever since Google updated its algorithm.

Raw AI content often looks like unstructured mush loaded with unnecessary words. Rest assured, no matter how loyal the client is, they won't devote themselves to reading a marketing campaign that's no different than a college essay.

Verily, conduct a thorough audit and remove fluff, ask relevant questions only, and pay special attention to the organization of your content.

Here's how top-tier marketing agencies optimize existing content:

  • Break up long sentences so they don't drag on

  • Separate paragraphs longer than three lines

  • Spread SEO keywords throughout the content (make sure you add ranking keywords to starting paragraphs)

  • Keep your meta description under 160 characters

  • Use words that are easy to understand

  • Talk in the present tense and address the reader with words like 'you' and 'your'

Use AI content for preliminary writing

Creating content with the goal of driving organic traffic relies on how high value the text is. Oftentimes, even professionals experience writer's block which is where AI steps in.

AI tools like ChatGPT aren't great at formulating optimized content, but they're certainly excellent at creating the first draft.

Simply put, use artificial intelligence to generate a basic rundown of ideas within a specific topic that you can later tweak. This will not only save time but also allow you to stay ahead of the game.

Since we already know that AI pulls information from different sources on the internet, it will do a little research on your behalf and combine all the necessary tidbits under one roof.

AI can generate content calendar ideas

Use AI for content calendar ideas

Your brand must talk about trending topics to stay relevant. When you've been writing for a long time, coming up with fresh blog ideas can be harder than most think.

So, don't just outsource content to machine learning software, hire it to formulate your content strategy from scratch.

For example, you run an e-commerce website that sells fitness products. This website also features a blog within the health and fitness niche. Now, let's assume that it's a particularly bad day and you just can't think of what to write about.

Let AI do the thinking for you. Use systems like ChatGPT to give you a list of popular ideas to get started. Later, bring in a robust content optimization tool to add the human element and build brand authority.

Inject search intent

People want solutions to their problems and your content should provide the former.

Put yourself in the client's shoes. When they're unsure of something and looking for an answer, what do they do? People head over to Google and type search queries.

Thus, to make the most of available optimization opportunities, add intent to AI-generated content such as including rhetoric and highlighting the readers' pain points.

Pro tip: Write a 'People Also Ask' section that covers high priority customer concerns.

Personalize content marketing for every phase of the funnel

AI saves time so email marketers can pay more attention to personalized content creation. In that, you need to optimize campaigns according to the prospect's position in the sales funnel.

Here's how some of the best companies are doing it:

Boissance AI content optimization
  1. Biossance - Pre-purchase stage

Clean beauty skincare brand, Biossance, uses AI to integrate product recommendations based on the client's search behaviour within emails.

Bluehost AI content optimization

2. Bluehost - Post-purchase stage

Shared hosting provider, Bluehost, relies on AI chatbots that help clients find the relevant resources in order to navigate basic issues such as 'how to add a file to the C Panel'. This reduces the need for speaking to human representatives through live chat support.

Chegg Ai content optimization

3. Chegg - Product abandonment stage

Edtech platform, Chegg, automates email campaigns for clients who cancel their subscriptions. The company uses AI to ask ex-customers how to improve their service so turnover can be reduced.

In a nutshell, using AI doesn't have to be limited to text modification. Robust content optimization software studies data to understand what the customer wants at a certain point in time, and carefully formulates a tailored answer.

On the marketer's end, this looks like suggestions related to optimal call-to-actions and catchy subject lines.

Focus on semantic optimization

Quality SEO content is key to climbing up Google's ranks. To help bots better crawl your webpages, strive for topical depth through meaningful text. Use similar long tail keywords in clusters to send positive signals to web crawlers.

Not only does this build topical authority but also improves the overall SEO content score.

Another way to boost semantic power is through creation of long-form content that revolves around user intent. Also, don't forget to answer questions people are searching for on Google. Also, take the help of AI SEO tools that suggest semantic improvements - the right keywords and structuring techniques - as you write.

AI content optimization with a balance of AI and human-generated content

Aim for AI-human balance

Many experts believe that website text that is 50% human and 50% AI is good enough for search engines. Remember, your goal is to optimize content, not to rewrite it completely. In line with your content strategy, begin by tweaking blogs according to defined brand guidelines.

Artificial intelligence will not create content that follows highly specific policies true to your company. For that, you will need to step in. but the work doesn't end here. Skim through the text and change paragraphs, add more lines, omit sentences that sound too robotic, and optimize your content.

How AI can help optimize content

Artificial intelligence doesn't just create copy from scratch, it also helps improve existing content. AI software leverages content intelligence technology to facilitate marketers striving to come up with high-quality articles and blogs. In fact, you can even use AI to make viable SEO suggestions.

Here's how it works

AI gathers data

Not all data is useful and AI knows that. Verily, it sifts through collected information, with the context attached. Companies that synchronize their CRM systems to AI tools benefit from highly tailored recommendations.

That said, the average AI system relies on a multitude of sources of information such as social media, online surveys, and competitors' websites. It even keeps a close eye on the actions of your website visitors.

AI analyzes collected information

In the next step, artificial intelligence software thoroughly analyzes the collected data to arrive at research-backed conclusions. In accordance with the nature of the dataset, AI will connect the dots and find key patterns.

AI delivers actionable insights

This is the part that gets marketers excited. Based on its analysis of information, AI provides customized recommendations in the form of new ideas, grammar corrections, cohesion, SEO, and much more.

If the goal is to improve the search ranking of your content, you can even leverage AI tools to suggest the right keywords.

Safe to say, content optimization tools immensely complement content creation software to push marketers in the right direction, all the while helping them save time and resources.

How to leverage the right AI content optimization tool

Check out some of these tools that can helo you get your content in perfect condition.

Semrush for AI content optimization

Semrush for finding trendy topics

If you're struggling to come up with trending topics that resonate with customers, try Semrush for SEO content marketing. It enables access to competitors' keywords alongside ranking metrics by analyzing related topics already published on the internet.

The only downside, however, is the cost as Semrush is pretty expensive.

CopyAi for AI content optimization for writing the first draft

A preliminary outline or rough draft takes a lot of the grunt work out of the content creation process. We recommend for its ease of use and relevant prompt generations. Compared to other tools on the market, this one does a great job of producing relevant content with context.

Naturally, the better the first draft, the less effort writers must make to optimize content. The free version offers 2000 words per month, while the Pro package at $36/month includes unlimited words and over 90 copywriting tools.

SurferSEO for AI content optimization

SurferSEO to rank high on search engine results pages

SurferSEO's editor is second to none when it comes to creating optimized content. This powerful tool combines various capabilities all under one roof: SERP analysis, link building, keyword research, and SEO audit. Writers can refer to automatically generated keywords on the right side of their screen while typing.

This makes it easy to maintain the right keyword density, balance search intent, and compare how an article ranks compared to competitors. You can also activate the Chrome extension and integrate its features when working on Google Docs.

SurferSEO's AI writer is pretty expensive and has not gained alot of popularity yet. However, the tool is great for content optimization.

SurferSEO is available in four plans.

Grammarly for AI content optimization

Grammarly for editing content

Contrary to popular belief, Grammarly isn't just for non-native English speakers. It's a brilliant tool for improving new and existing content through punctuation, spelling, and grammar correction. While Grammarly cannot inject creativity into content, it certainly helps in polishing it.

Proper grammar is one of Google's many ranking factors. Fortunately, even Grammarly's free version is a great complement for beginners and paid packages are pretty affordable.

Copyscape for AI content optimization

CopyScape for plagiarism detection

Seasoned writers know how important plagiarism-free content is for ranking on search engine results pages. If you haven't tried free tools that detect copied text, don't bother. Unpaid software tends to exaggerate the uniqueness of a written piece even when it's anything but original.

To save yourself from a copyright strike, try CopyScape. This tool easily integrates with WordPress to maintain seamless content workflow. The best part is that pricing is very cheap, it costs a meager 3 cents to search 200 words and then, an additional cent for every 100 words.

GoCustomer AI content optimization

GoCustomer for email marketing

Once you have your content optimized and posted and now want to share it with your audience, you need a great email marketing software. Email is the quickest and easiest way to share your content directly with your subscribers, and GoCustomer offers a full-fledged one-stop solution.

From email warmup to creating drip campaigns and conducting A/B tests, we offer it all. We also offer an AI email writing assistant that allows you to create a tailored email in one click. All of this is available at very affordable monthly rates.

Bottom line

Since you've made it to the end of this article, you already know the problems associated with raw AI-assisted text. AI content optimization is necessary to gain topical authority and rank highly on search engines.

Quality text speaks volumes but for it to convert leads, your audience needs to access it. The right messages should be delivered to the right people at the right time.

Make sure you make the right choices with the tools you use and make the most of the content you create!

An image to showcase the email warmup feature

Reach more customers with your cold emails

Table of Contents

    In a nutshell

    AI-generated content is content that has been automatically created by giving a prompt to an AI tool. ChatGPT is a widely used AI content generator.
    AI-generated content lacks the human touch, may be plagiarised, may have a lack of context, and may also contain some grammatical errors. It is better to re-read content generated by AI and correct it before use.
    You can use a content optimization tool like SurferSEO, SemRush, or others. You can go over the content yourself, add lines where appropriate, simplify language, and do a bit of semantic optimization by inserting synonyms and similar words instead of using the exact content generated.
    Adding a storytelling touch to your content can help give it context and make it different from other content on the web. It adds a human element to it, helps give examples, and helps illustrate your concepts.
    Semantic optimization is adding long-tail keywords and similar words in the text to give search engines better signals regarding the content and context of the piece. This also helps you remove plagiarism and ensures that your content piece does not have bits of competitor content in it.
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