Email Marketing

Omnisend vs Klaviyo (2024) - The Ultimate Ecommerce Email Marketing Platform Showdown

No fluff, just what you need to decide smartly


Qasim Farooq


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Deciding between Omnisend and Klaviyo for your ecommerce email marketing in 2024? You're in the right place. This isn't about choosing the 'best' platform in the abstract—it's about finding the right fit for your unique business.

Think of it as selecting the perfect pair of gloves; it's not just about the quality but how well they fit your hands.

Both Omnisend and Klaviyo are top contenders in the email marketing arena, offering robust features designed to elevate your ecommerce marketing. But here's the catch: they cater to different needs and preferences.

Omnisend shines with its user-friendly approach, appealing to those looking for an intuitive, all-encompassing marketing tool. Klaviyo, with its deep data integration, is a gem for the data-driven marketer who loves to dive into the nitty-gritty of analytics.

As we walk through this comparison, we'll explore the core features of each platform, from design flexibility and ease of use to automation capabilities and integration options.

But it's not just about listing features; it's about understanding how these capabilities translate into real-world benefits for your ecommerce store.

Choosing between Omnisend and Klaviyo is like deciding between a Swiss Army knife and a precision scalpel. Each has its strengths, and the right choice depends on your marketing strategy, team size, and specific goals.

By the end of this guide, you'll have a clearer picture of which platform aligns best with your ecommerce vision for 2024 and beyond.

Target Audience: Omnisend vs. Klaviyo

In the fast-paced world of ecommerce, choosing the right email marketing platform can be a game-changer for your business. Omnisend and Klaviyo stand out as leading platforms, each serving distinct segments of the ecommerce market.

Omnisend is the go-to choice for ecommerce store owners who value straightforward, user-friendly interfaces and tools that simplify email and SMS marketing.

Its appeal to small businesses and ecommerce merchants is rooted in its ability to deliver targeted campaigns and personalized email campaigns efficiently.

Klaviyo, with its robust features and deep integration with major e-commerce platforms like Shopify and Drupal Commerce, is tailored for ecommerce businesses that prioritize data-driven decisions.

Klaviyo's advanced segmentation and email personalization capabilities make it a powerful email marketing tool for medium to large online retailers focused on optimizing click-through rates and campaign performance through detailed analysis of customer data and shopping behavior.

Design and Customization Flexibility: Omnisend vs. Klaviyo

The design and customization flexibility of your email marketing campaigns can significantly influence customer engagement and conversion rates.

Omnisend’s email builder shines with its extensive library of email templates, offering ecommerce store owners a variety of promotional, seasonal, and branded templates.

These templates not only support SMS sends and push notifications but also integrate seamlessly with ecommerce platforms, allowing store owners to create unique discount codes and automate workflows, enhancing the shopping experience for their audience.

Klaviyo, on the other hand, equips users with around 100 newsletter templates and advanced features like the ability to add basic customizable text, CTAs, and images, further enriched by Klaviyo's email personalization tools.

Klaviyo’s templates, named with a nod to creativity and humor, offer e commerce store owners the tools to craft email campaigns that resonate with their target audience.

Despite Klaviyo's slightly more advanced features, Omnisend stands out for its ease of use, particularly for small businesses or those new to email marketing, offering a free plan that allows businesses to explore its capabilities without immediate investment.

Ease of Use & Email Editor Comparison: Omnisend vs. Klaviyo

When evaluating the ease of use and functionality of Omnisend’s and Klaviyo’s email builders, the user-friendly interface becomes a critical factor for ecommerce merchants.

Omnisend's quick add section and automated product listing feature, alongside the ability to create unique discount codes directly within the email editor, exemplify the platform's commitment to simplifying email marketing for ecommerce store owners.

This focus on efficiency helps businesses of all sizes launch personalized email campaigns that drive engagement and sales.

Klaviyo's email builder, with its capability to directly add products from your store and use Google Analytics to track campaign performance, offers online retailers a more data-centric approach to email marketing.

Klaviyo plans include access to more advanced features, like subject line assistant using AI technology and extensive reporting tools, providing ecommerce store owners with the insights needed to refine their marketing channels and strategies.

Email Automation Features: Omnisend vs. Klaviyo

Email automation stands as a pillar of any successful ecommerce email marketing strategy, and both Omnisend and Klaviyo offer robust tools designed to make engaging with your customers both efficient and personalized.

Omnisend has laid out a veritable buffet of automation workflow templates, serving everything from welcome emails to cart abandonment solutions, all designed with ecommerce store owners in mind.

Even those on Omnisend's free plan can tap into the power of these pre-built automation workflows, which cover:

  • Welcome emails

  • Cart Abandonment

  • Browse Abandonment

  • Post-Purchase follow-ups

  • Special Occasions greetings

  • Transactional messages

What's particularly exciting is Omnisend’s recent roll-out of new automation triggers for opened and clicked message events, enabling ecommerce businesses to tailor their follow-up communications with unprecedented precision.

This, coupled with the introduction of a "trigger workflow retrospectively" feature, offers an enhanced level of engagement by revisiting customer reactivation and order follow-ups with fresh eyes.

For those integrated with Shopify or via API, Omnisend's addition of six distinct order event triggers further personalizes the shopping experience, allowing for intricate customization at various points in the customer journey.

Klaviyo matches stride with its own suite of automation workflows, though it places a slightly heavier emphasis on the personal touch. Klaviyo's "flows" boast an impressive range of automated sequences, including:

  • Welcome Series

  • Abandoned Cart reminders

  • Browse Abandonment notifications

  • Customer Thank You messages

  • Product Review/Cross-Sell opportunities

  • Customer Win-back initiatives

Klaviyo distinguishes itself with a broad selection of pre-built automation workflows and powerful segmentation capabilities.

This allows for incredibly targeted messaging, ensuring that every communication feels personally crafted for the recipient, whether they're a long-time customer or a new browser.

Third-Party Integrations: Omnisend vs. Klaviyo

In the bustling digital marketplace, the synergy between an email marketing platform and other ecommerce tools can significantly amplify your marketing efforts.

Omnisend and Klaviyo both excel in this arena, offering extensive third-party integrations that cater to ecommerce businesses aiming to streamline their operations and enhance customer engagement.

Omnisend users enjoy a broad spectrum of integrations, from ecommerce platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, and Magento, to CRMs, scheduling apps, and customer support tools.

Shopify users, in particular, have shown appreciation for Omnisend, reflected in its high rating on the Shopify Store.

This demonstrates Omnisend's ability to seamlessly blend with Shopify's ecosystem, offering ecommerce store owners tools to automate workflows, create unique discount codes, and drive sales through targeted email campaigns and SMS marketing.

Klaviyo matches up with a similarly impressive list of integrations, emphasizing its deep integration with Shopify as well. Klaviyo leverages customer data from ecommerce platforms to craft personalized email campaigns, utilizing purchase history and browsing behavior for targeted messaging.

The platform's integration extends to advertising and social media platforms like Facebook and Google Ads, enabling Klaviyo to offer a comprehensive email marketing solution that supports ecommerce merchants in maximizing their campaign performance across multiple marketing channels.

User Segmentation Capabilities: Omnisend vs. Klaviyo

Delivering personalized messages to the right subscribers at the right time is the essence of effective email marketing. Omnisend and Klaviyo provide powerful user segmentation capabilities, though their approaches offer different advantages.

Klaviyo takes the lead in flexibility, allowing for unlimited segments tailored to specific ecommerce needs. Whether it's based on user actions, location proximity, GDPR status, or predictive analytics, Klaviyo's advanced segmentation options, including predictive analytics about shopping behavior, provide ecommerce store owners with the tools to deeply understand and engage their email subscribers.

Omnisend, while also offering unlimited segmentation, categorizes its options into orders & products, engagement, and contact properties. It's straightforward and less intimidating for beginners, recommending segmentations like opened message or subscription status.

Omnisend's approach is designed to be accessible, helping store owners quickly create targeted campaigns without a steep learning curve.

Omnisend vs Klaviyo Pricing

Navigating through the pricing structures of Omnisend and Klaviyo reveals both platforms are built to accommodate the dynamic needs of modern businesses. Starting with free plans, they offer a taste of email marketing's potential, setting the stage for more sophisticated, paid offerings as your business requirements grow.

Omnisend's Free Plan is a gateway for up to 250 prospects, ideal for small businesses taking their first step into email marketing. Transitioning to the Pro Plan at $59 per month unlocks an extensive range of features, from enhanced SMS marketing to comprehensive ecommerce automation, making it a viable option for businesses looking to scale.

Klaviyo counters with its own free plan, allowing for 500 email sends and 150 SMS/MMS credits per month - a solid start for building foundational marketing strategies. As needs expand, the Email and SMS Plan starting at $60 per month adapts to your growing contact list and increasing engagement efforts.

Both platforms present compelling entry points with their free plans. Omnisend appeals with its direct, straightforward upgrade path, while Klaviyo offers scalability and advanced features, albeit with potential additional costs as you delve deeper into its offerings.

The choice between them hinges on your marketing priorities—whether you value simplicity and directness from Omnisend or the scalable, data-driven approach Klaviyo provides, tailored to the size and scope of your email and SMS marketing endeavors.

Analytics and Reporting Capabilities: Omnisend vs. Klaviyo

Understanding campaign performance and customer behavior through analytics is crucial for refining your email marketing strategy. Omnisend and Klaviyo both offer robust analytics, but with nuances that cater to different preferences.

Omnisend provides a clear and concise reporting dashboard, featuring essential metrics like click rates, revenue, and deliverability issues.

It's designed to offer ecommerce merchants a straightforward overview of their marketing channels' performance, including email, SMS, and push notifications.

Klaviyo, known for its comprehensive view of business analytics, allows for customized reporting on a wide array of metrics across various marketing channels.

Its capability to integrate data from subscription billing, review, and loyalty programs offers a granular view of customer engagement and shopping behavior, albeit with a limitation on data accessibility for past 18 months for lower subscription tiers.

A/B Testing and Design Testing: Omnisend vs. Klaviyo

The ability to test and optimize email content is key to maximizing engagement and conversion rates. Klaviyo outshines with its limitless A/B testing capabilities, allowing ecommerce businesses to experiment with every element of their email campaigns, from sender names and subject lines to content, CTA styles, and send times.

Omnisend, while offering A/B testing for subject lines and sender names, presents a more limited scope in this area.

For businesses focused on refining their email marketing strategy through data-driven insights, Klaviyo's extensive testing possibilities provide a distinct advantage, though Omnisend's straightforward approach may still appeal to those seeking simplicity and ease of use.

Customer Support Comparison: Omnisend vs. Klaviyo

In the competitive world of email marketing, the caliber of customer support can significantly influence user satisfaction and platform usability.

Omnisend and Klaviyo both recognize this, offering a range of support options to assist ecommerce merchants in navigating their platforms and maximizing the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.

Omnisend sets a high standard by offering 24/7 email and live chat support across all its plans, including the free tier.

This commitment to accessibility is a testament to Omnisend's dedication to its user base, ensuring that help is always at hand, regardless of the time or issue. Further enhancing its support framework, Omnisend invites users to engage with a wealth of resources through the Omnisend Academy.

This includes recordings from past workshops, detailed guides, and an extensive library designed to bolster the marketing skills and knowledge of ecommerce store owners. Omnisend’s proactive approach to gathering user feedback directly within the dashboard illustrates a genuine commitment to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.

Klaviyo, while offering robust email support for the initial 60 days post-sign-up, places limitations on ongoing support for users not subscribed to their paid Email plan.

While many may find their footing within Klaviyo’s ecosystem during this period, the potential gap in support accessibility could pose challenges for users facing unforeseen questions or issues as they delve deeper into Klaviyo's advanced features.

Web Forms and Landing Page Builders: Omnisend vs. Klaviyo

The ability to effectively capture and engage website visitors through web forms and landing pages is crucial for growing your email list and enhancing your online presence. Omnisend and Klaviyo both offer tools designed to streamline this process, yet they bring distinct features and functionalities to the table.

Klaviyo excels with its intuitive popup form builder, enabling ecommerce businesses to create compelling signup forms and exit intent popups.

These popups are strategically designed to capture the attention of website visitors at critical moments, offering discounts or sign-up incentives that can convert a fleeting visit into a lasting subscriber relationship.

Klaviyo’s focus on functional design and user experience is evident in the ease with which these forms can be integrated into various parts of a website, enhancing the potential for customer engagement and list growth.

Omnisend takes a slightly different approach by infusing the signup process with an element of fun and interactivity. The platform’s gamified "Wheel of Fortune" popup form not only captivates visitors but also encourages engagement through the promise of rewards, such as discounts or free shipping.

This innovative feature, coupled with Omnisend’s recent rollout of new form templates and the addition of holiday-themed options, showcases the platform’s creativity in user engagement.

Furthermore, Omnisend’s commitment to providing value is highlighted by its offering of free, high-converting landing pages, making it easier for ecommerce store owners to create dedicated spaces for special promotions or subscriber acquisition.

Final Thoughts: Omnisend vs Klaviyo

Navigating the decision between Omnisend and Klaviyo for your ecommerce email marketing needs involves weighing various aspects of each platform's offerings.

From their capabilities as email marketing tools, their integration options, and user segmentation to their customer support, web form functionality, and the overall services provided, each platform is designed to enhance your marketing strategy in unique ways.

Omnisend shines as a user-friendly option, making it an excellent choice for small to medium-sized businesses or newcomers to email marketing services. With round-the-clock support and an array of engaging features like the gamified "Wheel of Fortune" popup, Omnisend ensures robust customer engagement.

Its straightforward interface and comprehensive educational resources solidify its position as one of the best email marketing tools for those looking to efficiently engage their audience without delving into complex data analytics.

Klaviyo, with its advanced segmentation capabilities and detailed analytics, caters to medium to large businesses aiming to leverage in-depth customer data. For those prioritizing personalization and data-driven strategies, Klaviyo stands out as the best email marketing tool, offering precision and control over your email campaigns.

Despite its more complex interface and support model considerations, Klaviyo's functionality suits ecommerce merchants focused on scaling their operations and maximizing the effectiveness of their email marketing services.

Personal Recommendations and a New Contender: GoCustomer

When deliberating between Omnisend and Klaviyo for your business's email marketing strategy, it's clear that both platforms cater to distinct needs and scales of operation.

Omnisend's user-friendly nature makes it an excellent ally for small to medium businesses looking to grow their online presence with engaging marketing tools and robust customer support.

Meanwhile, Klaviyo appeals to medium to large businesses ready to leverage detailed customer data for highly personalized email campaigns, offering depth in analytics and segmentation.

However, it's worth exploring new players in the market that might offer unique advantages over established platforms.

Enter GoCustomer, a rising star in the email marketing realm, particularly for businesses keen on stepping up their customer acquisition game.

Unlike traditional platforms, GoCustomer specializes in creating hyper-personalized emails by leveraging real-time data from various sources, including LinkedIn and websites.

This capability allows for crafting thousands of unique emails in minutes, tailored precisely to your prospects, which can significantly boost response rates and conversions.

GoCustomer's approach goes beyond generic email marketing by focusing on nurturing leads with highly targeted campaigns designed to keep your audience engaged and interested.

With its innovative strategies to ensure emails not only reach their destination but also resonate with recipients, GoCustomer positions itself as a formidable option for businesses aiming to maximize their email marketing effectiveness.

Additionally, GoCustomer's offer of a 7-day free trial provides an opportunity to experience its advanced features firsthand. This trial period allows you to compare its capabilities against those of Omnisend and Klaviyo directly, giving you a comprehensive view of what each platform brings to the table.

In the end, while Omnisend and Klaviyo have proven their worth in the ecommerce email marketing space, GoCustomer presents a compelling value proposition for businesses looking to elevate their email marketing strategy with hyper-personalization and efficient lead nurturing.

As you weigh your options, consider not just the current needs of your business but also its future growth trajectory and how the unique features of each platform can support your long-term goals.

An image to showcase the email warmup feature

Reach more customers with your cold emails

Table of Contents

    In a nutshell

    Omnisend is known for its user-friendly approach and is great for small to medium businesses. Klaviyo offers deep data integration and is suited for medium to large businesses focusing on data-driven marketing.
    Both platforms offer SMS marketing capabilities, but Omnisend’s Pro Plan provides broader SMS features, making it slightly more appealing for businesses prioritizing SMS marketing.
    Both platforms offer robust email automation features, with Omnisend focusing on ease of use through pre-built workflows and Klaviyo emphasizing personalized automation based on customer data.
    Yes, both Omnisend and Klaviyo allow you to create web forms and landing pages to engage and convert visitors.
    Omnisend offers 24/7 support on all plans, including email and live chat, plus additional resources through the Omnisend Academy. Klaviyo provides email support for the first 60 days, with continued support available for paid plans.
    person opening a mailbox

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