Email Marketing

Streamline Success by Combining CRM and Email Marketing for Small Businesses


Qasim Farooq


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In the bustling marketplace that small businesses operate within, the ability to stay connected with customers, and maintain their attention through efficient communication channels is crucial.

Combining Customer Relationship Management (CRM) with email marketing is an increasingly popular strategy among businesses aiming to improve their customer interactions and marketing efficiency.

This combination allows for the seamless management of customer information and interactions in one place, facilitating personalized marketing automation and more strategic email marketing campaigns.

A study by Salesforce shows that CRM applications can help increase sales by up to 29%, boost sales productivity by up to 34%, and improve sales forecast accuracy by 42%.

All of this is possible because when CRM and email marketing work together, businesses can track customer behaviors, purchase histories, and engagement levels to refine their marketing strategies and send precisely targeted communications.

Moreover, CRM systems integrated with email marketing also enable businesses to send personalized messages based on detailed customer data, enhancing customer engagement and retention.

This not only increases the relevance of each message but also enhances the overall customer experience, leading to higher engagement rates and more effective marketing efforts.

So, investing in a small business CRM with email marketing is an essential step towards building a solid foundation for customer engagement and long-term success, for any growing small business.

It simplifies workflows, reduces the need for multiple tools, and provides actionable insights that help tailor marketing strategies to meet the unique needs of every customer

In this blog, we will go into the details of what CRM email marketing is, why you need to incorporate it and what are some of the best CRM Email Marketing Platforms out there.

Let’s get started!

What is CRM Email Marketing?

CRM with email marketing refers to the strategic integration of customer relationship management (CRM) systems with email marketing tools, aiming to create a unified approach to enhance customer interactions, introduce marketing automation and streamline the marketing and sales funnel.

The essence of CRM with email marketing lies in its ability to synchronize the data and workflows between marketing and sales teams, ensuring that both departments operate with a unified view of the customer.

Moreover these systems provide businesses with the tools to maintain detailed profiles on each customer, including their past interactions, preferences, and behaviors.

This synergy allows businesses to utilize a wealth of customer data to tailor communications and marketing efforts precisely, thus improving the effectiveness and efficiency of these initiatives.

Furthermore, by combining CRM and email marketing, businesses can maintain continuous and personalized communication with their customers.

For example, a CRM system can help identify which stage of the buying journey a customer is in, and correspondingly, an integrated email marketing tool can send tailored emails to move the customer further along in the sales funnel.

By integrating these marketing automation platforms, businesses can ensure that their email marketing campaigns are not only well-informed but also structured to reinforce ongoing customer relationships.

This cyclical data flow helps refine future strategies, ensuring that marketing efforts are precisely aligned with customer expectations and behaviors - which is critical for any growing small business.

Why Do You Need a CRM with Email Features?

A CRM with integrated email features is essential for small businesses aiming to optimize their marketing automation efforts.

It provides a unified platform to manage all customer information and communications, reducing the need for separate tools.

This integration also enhances the ability to segment audiences, automate email campaigns, and track the effectiveness of each campaign, thereby improving overall marketing efficiency.

Let’s look at it in more detail, as to why integrating these tools is crucial.

Centralized Customer Data Management

A CRM with email capabilities centralizes customer information and interactions in one place.

This consolidation eliminates the need for multiple platforms and reduces the risk of data discrepancies. When all customer data is accessible from a single platform, businesses can easily track customer behaviors, transaction history, and previous communications.

This makes it easier to create personalized marketing strategies and maintain consistent communication with customers.

Automated Customer Segmentation and Campaign Management

Automated segmentation allows businesses to categorize customers based on various criteria such as demographics, purchase behavior, and engagement level.

This categorization helps in creating more targeted and effective email marketing campaigns.

Additionally, CRM systems with email features automate repetitive tasks like campaign launches based on specific triggers or customer actions, thus saving time and increasing the efficiency of sales and marketing processes.

Enhanced Analytical Insights From Email Marketing Campaigns

Integrating CRM and email marketing enhances analytical capabilities by providing deeper insights into campaign performance and customer preferences to your sales and marketing teams.

Businesses can track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates directly within their CRM platform. These insights allow for continuous optimization of email strategies based on what resonates best with the audience.

Understanding these patterns helps in refining the messaging and timing of emails to maximize engagement and conversions.

Improved Customer Retention and Loyalty

Personalized communication that caters to individual customer needs and preferences is key to building long-lasting relationships.

A CRM with email features enables businesses to send personalized greetings, offers, and recommendations based on customer data stored in the CRM.

This personalized approach not only enhances customer satisfaction but also boosts loyalty and retention by making customers feel valued and understood.

Top 5 best CRM email marketing platforms for small businesses

Choosing the right CRM email marketing software is crucial for small businesses aiming to streamline their operations, enhance customer engagement, and achieve efficient marketing outcomes.

Here, we explore the top five CRM email marketing platforms that are particularly beneficial for small businesses: Salesforce, Zoho, Microsoft Dynamics 365, Pipedrive, and Brevo.


Salesforce, as an email marketing software, is one of the most prominent names in CRM software, offering a comprehensive product suite that includes sales, marketing, customer service, and eCommerce.

Known for its application of AI and data analytics, Salesforce’s Marketing Cloud integrates customer data management, analytics and automation, making it an excellent tool for automated email campaigns and for managing multi-channel email marketing campaigns from a single platform.

G2 Rating: 4.2 out of 5 stars

Key Features for Small Businesses

Comprehensive Customer relationship management

Salesforce offers a well-rounded service for small enterprises, particularly those with rapid expansion. It provides both support and sales services via a single interface, allowing businesses to perform a variety of operations using Android and iOS applications that are functionally equivalent to the web client.

AI and marketing Automation

The platform uses AI to automate email marketing campaigns, especially when it comes to data collection and organization - significantly reducing manual data entry. Einstein Activity Capture optimizes manual data input through automation, increasing the productivity of sales and service personnel, and therefore enhancing your overall email marketing strategy.

Email Marketing Tools

Salesforce offers robust email marketing tools, including templates for transactional and promotional emails, AI-driven personalization with dynamic content, and sender reputation management.

Advantages for Small Businesses

  • Scalability: Salesforce grows with your business, making it ideal for small enterprises planning to expand rapidly.

  • Customization: The platform offers extensive customization options, allowing businesses to create workflows and processes tailored to their specific needs.

  • Support and Community: Salesforce provides excellent customer support and has a vibrant user community, offering ample resources for troubleshooting and learning.


  • Complexity: The extensive features can be overwhelming for small businesses without dedicated IT staff.

  • Cost: While the Starter plan is affordable, advanced features can become expensive as business needs grow.


Salesforce, as an email marketing crm software, offers various pricing plans, catering to different business sizes and needs. The Starter plan for small businesses starts at $25 per user per month, with a 30-day free trial that includes only the sales and service products.

Advanced features and additional integrations are available in higher-tier plans, which can significantly increase the overall cost.


Zoho is a comprehensive software suite that provides a range of tools, from accounting software to help desk solutions.

Among its offerings is Zoho CRM, a versatile platform with integrated email marketing capabilities, making it a valuable tool for small to mid-sized businesses.

G2 Rating: 4.1 out of 5 stars

Key Features

Email Template and Drag-and-Drop Capabilities

Zoho CRM features an email template creator with drag-and-drop capabilities, making it easy to add text, images, tables, and more to emails. This feature frees sales teams from tediously drafting the same messages repeatedly.

Reporting and Analytics

Zoho CRM includes detailed reporting features that inform users when messages are sent, opened, and read. Sales managers can also access analytics for each salesperson, allowing them to identify areas for improvement.

Seamless Integration with Zoho Campaigns

While bulk email campaigns within Zoho CRM are possible, users need to integrate the platform with Zoho Campaigns. The integration is seamless, providing a unified experience for managing large-scale email marketing campaigns.

Advantages for Small Businesses

  • Cost-Effective: Zoho CRM offers affordable pricing plans, including a free version, making it accessible for small businesses.

  • Ease of Use: The drag-and-drop email builder and intuitive interface make Zoho CRM easy to adopt and use effectively.

  • Comprehensive Functionality: With lead management, workflow automation, and marketing automation, Zoho CRM is a versatile tool for small to mid-sized businesses.


  • Integration Requirement for Bulk Emails: Users must integrate with Zoho Campaigns for bulk email campaigns, adding an extra step to the process.

  • Limited Email Quota: The entry-level pricing plan limits users to 100 emails per month, which may not be sufficient for businesses with larger email marketing needs.


Zoho CRM offers a free plan and 15-day free trials for paid plans. Prices start at €14 per month for 100 emails for each user.

This tiered pricing structure allows businesses to choose a plan that best fits their budget and needs, making Zoho CRM a flexible and scalable solution for growing businesses.

Microsoft dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a comprehensive CRM platform designed to enhance the impact and return of your email campaigns through advanced automation and personalization features.

G2 Rating: 3.9 out of 5 stars

Key Features For Small Businesses

Personalized Email Automation

Dynamics 365 allows businesses to automate the creation of personalized emails, using dynamic content tailored to each recipient based on their CRM profile. This ensures that every communication is relevant and engaging.

Omnichannel Campaign Management

Beyond emails, Dynamics 365 supports creating and managing campaigns across multiple channels, including social media interactions, push notifications, and text messages. This helps businesses reach their customers wherever they are.

Journey Mapping and Automation

Businesses can map different customer engagement scenarios using the journey builder, setting up automated workflows to guide customers through their decision-making process. This feature ensures timely and relevant interactions, enhancing customer experience and driving conversions.

Advantages for Small Businesses

  • Comprehensive Integration: Seamless integration with other Microsoft products, such as Outlook and SharePoint, enhances collaboration and productivity.

  • Scalability: Dynamics 365 is scalable, allowing businesses to start with essential modules and add more as they grow.

  • High Security: Microsoft's robust security measures ensure data protection, whether deployed on-premises or in the cloud.


  • Steep Learning Curve: Dynamics 365 can be complex for new users, requiring significant training and adjustment.

  • Cost: The platform can be expensive, particularly for small businesses needing multiple customizations and modules.


Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers several pricing tiers with the Business Central Essentials plan starting at $70 per user per month, and the premium plan at $100 per user per month.


Pipedrive is a sales-focused CRM that emphasizes simplicity and usability, making it an excellent choice for small businesses looking to manage their sales pipeline effectively.

G2 Rating: 4.3 out of 5 stars

Key Features for Small Businesses

Pipeline Management

Pipedrive’s visual sales pipeline helps businesses track deals and sales activities in a straightforward manner, ensuring sales teams can easily monitor progress and identify opportunities.

Email Marketing Integration

The platform integrates seamlessly with Pipedrive’s own email marketing tool, Campaigns by Pipedrive. This tool offers a drag-and-drop editor, 40+ professionally designed templates, and robust segmentation and analytics features, making it easy to create and manage email campaigns.

Automation and Integrations

Pipedrive automates repetitive tasks with customizable workflows, reducing manual work and increasing efficiency. Additionally, the platform supports over 250 integrations, including landing page builders, marketing platforms, and scheduling apps, enhancing its functionality.

Advantages for Small Businesses

  • User-Friendly Interface: Pipedrive’s intuitive design makes it easy for small businesses to get started and use effectively.

  • Mobile Accessibility: Available on iOS and Android, Pipedrive’s mobile app allows salespeople to manage their activities on the go.

  • Scalability: Pipedrive grows with your business, offering features that support expansion and increasing sales activities.


  • Additional Costs for Email Marketing: Campaigns by Pipedrive is an add-on feature, which incurs an extra cost.

  • Limited Customization in Lower Plans: Advanced customization options are limited to higher-tier plans, which may be restrictive for businesses on a tight budget.


Pipedrive offers a 14-day free trial for new users. The Essential plan costs $9.90 per month, which includes 3,000 active deals, customizable pipelines, 30 custom fields, 5 reports, and contact management.

Campaigns by Pipedrive is an add-on that costs $16 per month for 1,000 contacts.


Brevo is a versatile email marketing platform with integrated CRM capabilities, making it a great choice for small businesses looking to manage customer relationships and email marketing in one place.

G2 Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Key Features for Small Businesses

Email Automation and Personalization

Brevo allows businesses to build and grow relationships using sophisticated email automation. The platform enables the personalization of workflows, accurate management of contact lists, and sending emails based on page visits. It includes features like automatically resending campaigns to contacts who didn’t open them initially and send-time optimization to increase open rates.

Advanced Email Marketing Tools

Brevo offers advanced email marketing functionalities, such as an algorithm to determine the best time to send newsletters, enhancing email open rates. It also includes over 40 email templates and 8 automation blueprints, helping businesses optimize their email marketing workflows.

Integration with Other Tools

Brevo can easily connect to various CMS platforms, eCommerce tools, and other business applications, ensuring seamless integration and enhanced functionality across different business operations.

Advantages for Small Businesses

  • Cost-Effective: Brevo’s free plan is generous, offering 300 emails per day and unlimited contacts.

  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform is easy to use, making it accessible for small businesses without requiring extensive technical knowledge.

  • Comprehensive Features: Brevo combines CRM and email marketing features, providing an all-in-one solution for managing customer relationships and marketing efforts.


  • Limited Customization: While Brevo offers a range of templates and automation blueprints, customization options may be limited compared to more advanced platforms.

  • Scalability Issues: Brevo might not be as scalable for rapidly growing businesses with more complex needs and higher email volumes.


Brevo offers a generous free plan with 300 emails per day and unlimited contacts.

Paid plans start at $25 per month, which includes 20,000 emails, A/B testing, and advanced statistics, making it an affordable option for small businesses.

GoCustomer: The Rising Star in Email Marketing

While GoCustomer may not be a full-fledged CRM software, it is making significant strides in the realm of email marketing, particularly appealing for businesses focused on customer acquisition and retention.

One of the standout features of GoCustomer is its ability to offer extreme hyper-personalization, a key factor in its rising popularity among small to medium-sized enterprises.

The platform's innovative LinkedIn Agent and Website Agent tools are at the forefront of this hyper-personalization.

The LinkedIn Agent dives into LinkedIn profiles to extract detailed insights, allowing businesses to tailor their communications with a precision that goes beyond traditional personalization—it's hyper-personalization. This means messages can be crafted to resonate deeply on an individual level, greatly enhancing the relevance and impact of each email.

Similarly, the Website Agent pushes the boundaries of email personalization by analyzing information from specific website URLs. By understanding the content and context of these websites, GoCustomer crafts emails that are not only highly relevant but feel uniquely bespoke to each recipient.

Moreover, GoCustomer excels in lead generation and customer acquisition. Its advanced AI capabilities are adept at identifying potential leads, nurturing them with finely tailored content, and smoothly transitioning them through the sales funnel.

This not only improves conversion rates but also fosters lasting relationships with customers.

Through its data-driven strategies, GoCustomer leverages big data to optimize email campaigns, ensuring that marketing efforts are both targeted and impactful.

So, for small to medium-sized businesses aiming to make a significant impact in customer acquisition and retention, GoCustomer offers a future-proof solution that personalizes customer interaction to an exceptional degree, fostering growth and long-term success.

Try GoCustomer, today!

An image to showcase the email warmup feature

Reach more customers with your cold emails

Table of Contents

    In a nutshell

    CRM email marketing refers to the integration of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems with email marketing tools. This strategy helps businesses synchronize data and workflows between marketing and sales teams, creating a unified approach to enhance customer interactions and streamline marketing and sales efforts.
    Combining CRM with email marketing allows small businesses to manage customer information and interactions in one place, facilitating personalized marketing automation and strategic email marketing campaigns. This integration helps increase sales, improve customer engagement, and enhance marketing efficiency.
    A CRM with email features offers centralized data management, automated customer segmentation and campaign management, enhanced analytical insights, and improved customer retention and loyalty. These capabilities allow businesses to deliver personalized messages and maintain consistent communication, increasing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
    A CRM with email features enables personalized communications based on detailed customer data. This approach makes customers feel valued and understood, enhancing their satisfaction and loyalty, and ultimately boosting retention rates.
    Yes, integrating CRM and email marketing can significantly improve sales. By tracking customer behaviors and purchase histories, businesses can refine their marketing strategies and send targeted communications, which helps in moving customers further along the sales funnel and increasing conversion rates.
    person opening a mailbox

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