Email Marketing

13 Tested Lead Magnet Ideas through Email Marketing




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Lead magnets are tools that online marketers like to use to drive their email marketing campaigns.

They are one of the most important aspects of an email funnel, as they are what convince someone to give you their email address in the first place and enter into your sales funnel.

Lead magnets can take many forms, including free ebooks, video courses, templates, and more, but regardless of the format, they all have to do two things: provide value and solve a problem for your audience.

In this blog post, we'll explore 13 tried-and-true lead magnet ideas with examples so you can get inspired to create your own!

Also Read: Key Email Insights for email marketing

What is a lead magnet?

A lead magnet is a free resource that you provide to your audience in exchange for their email address. It's a way to collect information about your audience and build a list of potential customers.

You can use lead magnets to generate leads, build relationships with your audience, and increase sales.

The basics of a great lead magnet

The most important thing you need to remember when creating a lead magnet is that it should be valuable and relevant to your audience. This can be something as simple as an ebook, or a more elaborate product such as a toolkit.

Here's what else you should keep in mind:

  • Make sure the lead magnet is easy to consume.

  • Make sure that the lead magnet is easy to understand.

  • Make sure the lead magnet is easy for them to share with others (e.g., via social media). 

  • Make sure that the lead magnet offers specific information or a solution.

13 tested lead magnet ideas and examples

Now that you’ve learned about the importance of lead magnets, and how to use them as part of your email marketing strategy, here are 13 tested lead magnet ideas and examples to help you choose the right one for your business.

1. Email course

An email course is a series of emails with a specific theme, where you teach your readers something. Such courses attract marketers because they are very useful to them and can bring people more.

This is one of the most popular lead magnets out there and it's a great way to build your list too.

2. Checklist or worksheet

A checklist or worksheet is a great way to get people to engage with your brand. It’s a simple, convenient way for them to download something that they can use right away (like an email marketing strategy), without having to spend any time or money on the process.

A checklist or worksheet can also be used as lead magnets for other types of businesses. For example:

  • A gym could offer a free 6-week workout plan as an incentive for new memberships.

  • An insurance company could offer an auto insurance comparison chart so customers can compare various policies before buying one online.

3. Ebook or a guide

Let’s look at e-books as a great lead magnet to use for your email marketing strategy. They are a great way to provide information on a specific topic and can be used to educate your audience.

E-books are also a good way to build credibility and demonstrate expertise in your niche. You might use an ebook if you want to provide a roadmap for solving a specific problem, like how to grow an email list or how to do SEO for blogs.

4. Workbook

Workbooks are a great lead magnet idea. A workbook is a helpful resource that can be used for training, education, and learning. Workbooks are easy to create and can be customized for different purposes.

Workbooks can be used for anything from business to personal use and help people get their tasks done easily with the help of step-by-step guides.

Here are some examples of what you could include in your workbook:

  • How to write a resume

  • Set up an email marketing campaign

  • The best way to start a blog

5. Assessment tool

Assessment tools are very effective in getting people to take action. You can use an assessment as a lead magnet, or you can offer it for free on your website.

If you're running a marketing campaign, offering an assessment tool as a free download could be the perfect way to show prospects you understand their pain points and can help them solve their problems.

Assessments can come in many forms: personality tests that give people insight into themselves; career questionnaires that help them find their ideal career path; exit surveys asking people why they left the company; and surveys asking customers what they like about a product or service.

6. Templates

Templates are a great way to help your leads get started with whatever it is you're selling or promoting. You can create templates for just about anything: emails, social media posts and even spreadsheets.

Templates are also a great way to build your email list because they give people the opportunity to sign up in exchange for access to the template.

The best part? Templates make it easy for people who have never created an email before by providing step-by-step instructions that walk them through everything they need to know about creating an effective lead magnet.

7. Resource list

Creating a resource list is like building a directory of resources that can help your audience. It’s especially effective if the resource includes your blog posts, articles, videos and other content. You can create a resource list using tools like Google Sheets or Excel.

The reason why this works so well is because people love to be directed to more information about topics they love (especially if there aren’t many places where they can find it).

The best part? Your list of resources gives you more opportunities for getting more traffic to your website and other social media pages!

8. Access to a private group

Create a private group for your audience by creating an email list on your website and asking people if they want to join the group.

Once you have enough members, promote it as part of your lead magnet offer – “Get this report AND access to our private Facebook group where we discuss [your product]”

For example, Co-Marketing Network and Co-Marketing Community are two private groups where business owners interact with each other and help leverage growth via content marketing.

9. Report, survey, case study, quiz, poll, or similar content format

  • Reports give you the opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with your audience. It’s a psychological trigger that makes people feel like they are getting something valuable in return for their time.

  • Case studies allow you to show how you've helped your clients solve similar problems and overcome challenges. They are also great for showing off who you are as an expert in your field!

  • Quizzes and polls are a fun way to engage your audience by giving them multiple-choice questions or asking for their opinion on something interesting. Surveys allow you to gather feedback from your audience about different topics like product features, pricing plans, etc...

10. Cheatsheets

If you're looking for a lead magnet that's easy to create and will yield great results, try creating a cheat sheet. A cheat sheet is simply a list of tips, tricks, and resources for your audience.

For example:

  • A list of the best productivity apps for freelancers

  • A compilation of the top ten sales and marketing blogs written by experts in their field that freelancers should read regularly.

11. Free consultation or session with an expert/specialist

Another way to make your lead magnet more appealing is by offering consultation or session with an expert or specialist.

You can offer to answer questions and provide advice, consult on a specific topic (such as starting a business or website), help with a specific problem (like how to create an effective email marketing campaign), help with a specific project (like setting up an online store), help achieve a particular goal (like growing sales by 50%), help solve or prevent an issue that may occur in the future, help perform tasks like managing social media accounts or responding to customer service emails/phone calls.

12. Video training

Video training is a great lead magnet for many reasons. Not only does it show your expertise in the field, but it also shows your personality and brand.

You can also showcase your product in action to let people know exactly how it works and how they will benefit from using it.

13. Discount coupons

Discount coupons are also a great way to promote your email list signup and/or website. For example, you could create an exclusive coupon code that gives people who subscribe through a particular form an additional 10% off their first purchase.

You can also use discount coupons as part of an email marketing campaign where you offer them as rewards for customers who visit certain pages on the website or perform specific actions (like downloading content).

The most important thing here is that the discount should be something that appeals to visitors and encourages them to take action (such as sign up for more information).

There you have it—13 tested lead magnet ideas with examples to work from. The great thing about lead magnets is that they’re a highly effective way to get more leads and make more sales, without being hard on your budget.

And considering that the competition in the marketing world is only getting tougher, this is definitely a good thing! We hope these tested lead magnet ideas can help your business or website become even more successful!

An image to showcase the email warmup feature

Reach more customers with your cold emails

Table of Contents

    In a nutshell

    Lead magnets are essential in email marketing campaigns because they offer value to subscribers, incentivize them to sign up, and help build a targeted email list.
    A great lead magnet should solve a specific problem for the target audience, offer instant gratification, be easy to consume, and provide value.
    A checklist or worksheet is a type of lead magnet that helps subscribers achieve a specific goal or task by breaking it down into manageable steps.
    E-books are considered a good lead magnet because they offer in-depth knowledge on a specific topic, showcase expertise, and can be repurposed into multiple formats.
    Templates are customizable designs that can be used to create various types of content, such as social media posts, email newsletters, and presentations. They can help build an email list by offering a valuable resource to subscribers.
    person opening a mailbox

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