Email Marketing

Klaviyo vs Mailchimp: Which Email Marketing Platform is Best for You?

Choose wisely—your email success depends on it!


Qasim Farooq


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Sometimes, the most challenging choices arise not from a lack of options, but from an abundance of excellent ones. This is particularly true in the world of email marketing, where platforms like Klaviyo and Mailchimp provide robust services that extend well beyond simple email blasts.

Both platforms offer advanced features such as marketing automation, A/B testing, and sophisticated landing pages—essential tools for any ecommerce business aiming to enhance engagement and sales.

With capabilities like dynamic product recommendations and comprehensive transactional email support, Klaviyo and Mailchimp equip store owners with everything needed to foster strong customer relationships and drive success.

As the choice between Klaviyo and Mailchimp becomes more significant, this guide will provide a thorough comparison of their features, usability, and overall performance to assist you in making a choice that aligns with your business goals.

With email users projected to grow to over 4.5 billion by 2025, selecting the right platform is more crucial than ever. Join us as we present what each platform has to offer, helping you make a decision that will positively impact your business's future.

Klaviyo vs Mailchimp: Main Differences

Klaviyo and Mailchimp are leading email marketing platforms designed to help businesses effectively engage with their customers through email. Both platforms cater to different needs and come with their own unique sets of features.

Klaviyo is highly favored by ecommerce stores for its robust capabilities in handling customer data. It leverages advanced segmentation and predictive analytics to deliver highly personalized email campaigns.

This platform is specifically tuned to optimize ecommerce interactions, making it possible for businesses to send targeted emails that highlight products, deals, or updates likely to interest the customer. This precision targeting helps ensure that marketing efforts directly contribute to increased engagement and sales.

In contrast, Mailchimp stands out for its broad applicability and ease of use, making it one of the most popular email marketing tools in the market. It offers a versatile platform that is not only suited for ecommerce businesses but also effectively serves bloggers, nonprofits, and startups.

Mailchimp’s strength lies in its user-friendly interface and simplicity, which democratizes email marketing, allowing users with little to no technical expertise to create impactful campaigns. Its broad functionality makes it ideal for businesses looking to execute a variety of marketing strategies across different digital channels.

Klaviyo vs Mailchimp Feature-by-Feature Comparison

User Interface and Ease of Use

When you log into an email marketing platform, the last thing you want is a confusing dashboard—it's like trying to find your way in a new city without a map. This is where Mailchimp shines. Its dashboard is user-friendly and visually appealing, making it welcoming for newcomers and efficient for seasoned marketers alike.

The standout feature here is the prominent "Create" button. It invites you to start crafting an email, an automation, or a landing page with just a few clicks. This streamlined approach is akin to having a well-organized workbench where everything you need is within easy reach.

In contrast, Klaviyo's interface, while robust, can feel a bit overwhelming due to its utilitarian design. It's packed with features but lacks the intuitive design that Mailchimp boasts.

Navigating to the email editor in Klaviyo involves several steps, such as selecting a contact list and assigning tags before you even begin drafting your email. This process might slow down those eager to jump straight into creative work and could contribute to decision fatigue early in the process.

Email Creation and Editor Tools

Both Klaviyo and Mailchimp equip you with powerful drag-and-drop tools that simplify the creation of custom emails. They allow for easy addition and editing of content blocks, ensuring that both novices and experts can design visually appealing and functional emails.

Moreover, both platforms offer mobile and desktop previews, a crucial feature that ensures your designs look great on any device.

However, Mailchimp offers some additional features that Klaviyo does not. For instance, Mailchimp users can easily embed videos directly into emails—a key tactic as video content continues to dominate user engagement online.

Mailchimp also includes pre-built content blocks for sending product review requests and incorporating surveys into emails, which can significantly enhance interaction with recipients.

Klaviyo, while it doesn't offer built-in video or survey blocks, excels in personalized and dynamic content. It allows ecommerce store owners to showcase products in emails based on a customer’s browsing or purchase history, though this requires integration with platforms like Shopify for full functionality.

Mailchimp seems to lead in terms of a beginner-friendly interface and additional features that enhance user engagement without extra apps. Klaviyo, while slightly more complex, offers deep customization and powerful automation for those who have specific, data-driven marketing needs.

Take a look at the dashboards of both Klaviyo and Mailchimp showcased below. Which one do you think better meets your needs?

Template Design and Customization

Both Klaviyo and Mailchimp are popular email marketing platforms known for their robust template libraries. Each offers two primary types of templates: basic layouts and more sophisticated pre-designed themes.

The layouts provide a flexible structure with defined content blocks, ideal for businesses that prefer to build their emails from the ground up. Pre-designed themes, or ‘themes’ in Mailchimp’s terminology, come fully equipped with preset content, photos, colors, and fonts, making it quick and easy to launch attractive campaigns.

Mailchimp excels in template design with its Creative Assistant, which seamlessly integrates your brand elements—like colors and logos—directly from your website into your email campaigns.

This feature is part of Mailchimp’s paid Standard Plan and is a big plus for maintaining a consistent brand aesthetic across all marketing materials.

Klaviyo, while requiring a manual setup for brand elements in the Images & Brand tab, allows even free plan users to apply these branding features across all templates.

This flexibility makes Klaviyo a strong contender for ecommerce businesses that prioritize brand consistency in their email marketing campaigns.

Contact Management and Advanced Segmentation

Effective contact management and advanced segmentation capabilities are crucial for any successful email marketing strategy. Both Klaviyo and Mailchimp offer excellent tools, but they approach contact management differently, affecting overall ease of use and cost.

Mailchimp structures its database around “Audiences,” which can be pricey since you're charged more for duplicating the same contact across multiple lists. This can make managing various customer segments a bit challenging.

However, Mailchimp’s segmentation capabilities allow up to five conditions per segment, and it offers pre-built segments like Engaged Subscribers and Lapsed Customers, which are helpful for targeting specific user groups.

Klaviyo offers a more straightforward and cost-effective model, charging per contact, not per list. This approach allows you to create more complex segments without additional costs.

Klaviyo supports unlimited conditions for segmentation, providing the flexibility to target very specific user groups with personalized email marketing campaigns. Its segments update in real-time, ensuring your campaigns are always relevant and timely.

Marketing Automation and Workflow Integration

Klaviyo and Mailchimp are both strong in marketing automation but cater to different user needs with their respective tools. Klaviyo shines with its integration with ecommerce platforms, making it especially powerful for online stores.

It offers over 70 customizable marketing automation templates, including sophisticated ecommerce automations like abandoned cart emails that can include dynamic product recommendations and personalized discounts.

Mailchimp provides a slightly larger library of about 75 pre-built automation workflows known as “Journeys.” These cover a wide range of needs from simple welcome messages to more complex abandoned cart reminders.

Mailchimp’s automation also extends to omnichannel marketing, allowing users to automate social media posts and digital ads.

However, it’s important to note that significant automation features are only available on Mailchimp’s paid plans, which could be a limitation for businesses on a tight budget.

Analytics and Reporting Tools

When comparing the analytics and reporting capabilities of Klaviyo vs Mailchimp, both popular email marketing platforms offer unique strengths that cater to different needs within the email marketing space.

Klaviyo is known for its advanced analytics features, particularly beneficial for ecommerce businesses. Klaviyo’s analytics are designed to drive business performance by providing deep insights into customer behaviors.

These include predictive analytics that help anticipate future purchases and user actions, enabling ecommerce brands to craft personalized campaigns with precision.

Users can monitor everything from email subscribers' engagement to the effectiveness of automated emails and transactional emails, all within custom reports that make data easy to digest and act upon.

Mailchimp, known for its user-friendly interface, provides comprehensive analytics that are integrated with Google Analytics, making it an ideal choice for a broader marketing strategy that spans multiple marketing channels.

Mailchimp's analytics tools help track the performance of email marketing campaigns, offering insights into open rates, click rates, and overall engagement.

This makes Mailchimp a solid option for businesses looking to optimize their email marketing efforts and improve the effectiveness of personalized messages and cold email templates.

Ecosystem and Third-party Integrations

The integration capabilities of an email marketing platform can significantly influence its utility and effectiveness. In the ongoing Klaviyo vs Mailchimp debate, each platform offers extensive integrations but with a focus on different aspects of ecommerce and marketing needs.

Klaviyo excels in ecommerce integrations, seamlessly connecting with ecommerce platforms like Shopify and BigCommerce.

This integration supports sophisticated marketing automation, enabling businesses to send behavioral trigger emails and create segments based on detailed customer data.

Klaviyo's integrations are particularly adept at handling dynamic content, which is essential for sending personalized campaigns that resonate with individual online shoppers.

Mailchimp offers a wide array of integrations with over 200 external services, including CRM systems, social media platforms, and even direct mail services.

This extensive tech stack compatibility makes Mailchimp one of the most versatile email marketing platforms on the market, suitable for businesses that operate across various digital fronts.

Mailchimp's ability to integrate with numerous tools and platforms ensures that it can support a comprehensive marketing strategy, from sms marketing to direct email campaigns.

Performance and Reliability

In the comparison of Klaviyo vs Mailchimp, assessing performance and reliability is crucial, especially for ecommerce businesses that depend on timely and effective email marketing campaigns. Both platforms are well-regarded in the email marketing space, but they cater to slightly different needs.

Klaviyo is renowned for its high-performance metrics, particularly when it comes to automation and handling large volumes of customer data. Ecommerce stores often choose Klaviyo for its ability to send behavioral trigger emails and transactional emails with minimal delay, thanks to its robust infrastructure and advanced segmentation capabilities.

Klaviyo's platform is specifically optimized for ecommerce automations, ensuring that emails like price drop alerts and welcome messages are delivered promptly to enhance customer engagement and improve business performance.

Mailchimp, known for its user-friendly interface and broad marketing channels, also maintains a strong reputation for reliability and speed.

Mailchimp’s infrastructure supports a wide range of email marketing activities from promotional campaigns to automated emails, catering to both ecommerce and general businesses.

With Mailchimp’s Essentials and Standard plans, users get access to premium features that ensure emails reach their intended recipients without interruption, thus maintaining high business performance.

Customer Support and Community

Klaviyo and Mailchimp both excel in providing comprehensive customer support, essential for maximizing the potential of email marketing tools.

Klaviyo offers robust chat support and a detailed knowledge base, which are invaluable for users looking to explore advanced features like predictive analytics and custom reports.

Klaviyo’s community forums are a hive of activity where ecommerce brands share insights and strategies on using the platform’s extensive email marketing capabilities to target customers more effectively.

Mailchimp goes a step further by integrating extensive support options into its platform. With 24/7 access to chat support and a vast array of resources, Mailchimp ensures that every user, regardless of their technical expertise, can utilize all the features available.

Mailchimp’s community forums, along with regular webinars and user groups, offer a dynamic environment for users to learn about new features such as SMS marketing, Google Analytics integration, and more, enhancing their overall marketing strategy.

Both platforms strive to provide excellent customer support and resources, but Mailchimp’s broader options and around-the-clock availability make it especially appealing for businesses looking for extensive support and community engagement opportunities.

Klaviyo vs Mailchimp: Pricing

When considering email marketing platforms, understanding their pricing models is crucial for making an informed decision. Both Klaviyo and Mailchimp offer tiered pricing that accommodates a range of business needs from startups to large enterprises.

Klaviyo charges based on the number of contacts and the volume of emails and SMS messages you send. Starting with a free plan suitable for basic email marketing needs, it includes up to 500 monthly email sends and 150 free SMS credits.

Paid plans begin at $45/month for 1,001 - 1,500 contacts, which includes 15,000 monthly email sends and enhanced support options.

For those needing both email and SMS marketing, plans start at $60/month, providing comprehensive tools for engaging customers across multiple channels.

Mailchimp, on the other hand, offers a limited free plan supporting up to 500 contacts and 1,000 monthly email sends, ideal for small businesses or those just starting out. Paid plans start at $9.99 per month for 500 contacts, including 5,000 monthly email sends and scaling up to meet larger business needs.

These plans include additional features such as advanced segmentation and behavioral targeting, which are valuable for growing businesses.

In summary, Klaviyo offers a more feature-rich free plan, while Mailchimp provides more cost-effective options in its paid plans.

Klaviyo vs Mailchimp: Pros and Cons

Both Klaviyo and Mailchimp are popular email marketing platforms, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Here’s a straightforward summary of their advantages and disadvantages to help you choose the right tool for your needs.



  • Generous free plan: Allows access to all email features, making it ideal for small businesses or startups.

  • Advanced features available on free plan: Includes predictive analytics and dynamic content capabilities.

  • Dynamic & automated segmentation: Makes it easy to target customers based on their behaviors and preferences.

  • Highly effective for e-commerce: Integration with numerous e-commerce platforms enhances targeted marketing efforts.


  • Complex user interface: The dashboard and overall interface could be more intuitive and user-friendly.

  • Support limitations: Email and chat support are only available to paid plans after the first 60 days, which could be a drawback for long-term free plan users.

  • Potentially higher cost at scale: As businesses grow and their needs increase, the cost can rise significantly due to the pricing model based on the number of contacts and messages sent.



  • Wide range of integrations: Works seamlessly with popular apps like Canva, Vimeo, and Google Analytics, enhancing its utility.

  • User-friendly design: Features a clean and intuitive dashboard and email editor that is easy to use for beginners.

  • Strong track record: Well-established provider with a robust infrastructure and reliable performance.

  • Diverse pricing plans: Offers a variety of plans to suit different business sizes and needs, including a free tier.


  • Cost considerations: Higher-tier plans can be expensive, and many advanced features are locked behind these paid plans.

  • Duplicate contact charges: Charging for the same contact on multiple audience lists can quickly inflate costs, making it less budget-friendly for larger marketing campaigns.

  • Limited support on free plan: Like Klaviyo, Mailchimp offers limited support options for free plan users, with email and chat support restricted to paid plans after the initial 30 days.

Klaviyo vs Mailchimp: Who is the Winner?

Choosing between Klaviyo and Mailchimp often comes down to your specific business needs and what aspects of email marketing are most critical to your strategy.

Klaviyo excels with its deep integration capabilities for ecommerce platforms, focusing on data-driven personalization and advanced segmentation. It's particularly well-suited for businesses that rely on precise, behavior-based marketing to drive sales.

Mailchimp, on the other hand, offers great versatility with its user-friendly interface and broad feature set, making it ideal for a wide range of businesses, including those just starting out in email marketing.

Its straightforward tools and scalable plans make it a popular choice for companies that need effective marketing tools without a steep learning curve.

However, it's worth exploring new players in the market that might offer unique advantages over these established platforms.

GoCustomer is emerging as a significant contender in the email marketing realm, especially appealing to businesses focused on stepping up their customer acquisition and engagement strategies.

What sets GoCustomer apart is its specialization in hyper-personalized email campaigns that leverage real-time data from various sources, including LinkedIn and company websites.

This capability allows businesses to craft thousands of unique emails in minutes, significantly boosting response rates and conversions. GoCustomer's approach to nurturing leads with highly targeted campaigns goes beyond generic email marketing by ensuring that every communication is not only delivered but resonates with the recipient.

GoCustomer also offers a 7-day free trial, providing an excellent opportunity for businesses to test its advanced features and directly compare them with the capabilities of Klaviyo and Mailchimp. This hands-on experience can be invaluable in determining which platform aligns best with your current needs and future growth ambitions.

In conclusion, while Klaviyo and Mailchimp have proven their effectiveness in various aspects of ecommerce and general email marketing, GoCustomer introduces a compelling option for those looking to enhance their strategy with advanced personalization and dynamic lead nurturing.

As you weigh your options, consider the unique features of each platform and how they can support the long-term goals of your business.

An image to showcase the email warmup feature

Reach more customers with your cold emails

Table of Contents

    In a nutshell

    Klaviyo is particularly strong for ecommerce businesses due to its advanced segmentation, predictive analytics, and deep integration with ecommerce platforms. Mailchimp offers a broader appeal with a user-friendly interface and versatility, making it ideal for a range of businesses including bloggers and nonprofits.
    Klaviyo helps ecommerce stores drive sales through features like automated emails based on customer behavior, dynamic product recommendations, and detailed analytics that track the direct impact of email marketing efforts on sales.
    Both platforms offer strong automation features, but Klaviyo's are particularly powerful for targeted ecommerce marketing, while Mailchimp provides a wide range of automation options that are easy to use, making them suitable for general marketing purposes.
    Both platforms adhere to strict data protection regulations, including GDPR. They provide secure environments for storing customer data, with regular audits and compliance checks to ensure data integrity and security.
    This depends on your specific needs; Mailchimp is generally more cost-effective for businesses that require basic email marketing features and have a large number of contacts. Klaviyo can be more cost-intensive but offers specialized features that may yield a higher ROI for ecommerce businesses focused on precision marketing and customer retention.
    person opening a mailbox

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